Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Catching a Vision

"What happened to your blogging," asked my dear friend.

The answer to this question is that I got caught up in the business of living life and failed to record it. I truly regret this because while the past few months have been incredibly difficult and s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g, they have also been a time of sweet fellowship with God, of closeness to my husband that only comes through enduring pain together, and of realizing how God has blessed me with incredible friends who love and encourage me, rather than judge and condemn me. I have learned some tremendous lessons about unconditional love, trust, abiding faith, and doing the right thing when it would be so much easier to look the other way. I hope to post more on these lessons in the coming weeks.

Today I made a vision board for 2011. Basically, I wrote down 12 "visions" I have for my life in the coming year. Then I divided a sheet of paper into four columns and three rows. Next, I found pictures that illustrated my visions and pasted them in each block. It was pretty neat the way the visions fell into categories. The first row focused on my relationships -- with the Lord, my dear husband, my family, and my friends. The next row dealt with my health -- eating healthy foods, exercising, losing weight, and getting enough sleep. (Those of you who know me know I am terrible about getting by on too little sleep!) On the last row, I listed ways I hope to develop my creative side by blogging more regularly, writing letters and journaling, cooking creatively, and sewing. My next step is to print and laminate a copy to post at my desk or in my bathroom, the only two places I sit long enough to ponder great thoughts!

I hope my vision board will be a constant reminder of the person the Lord wants me to become in the coming year. I encourage you to envision what the Lord has for you in 2011. I'm sure it will have a relationships component. I highly recommend you embrace your creativity and let go of toxic relationships or activities. Look ahead to God's provision and promises in 2011.