Friday, July 13, 2012

Surfing for Knowledge

Perhaps it is an occupational hazard of being a homeschooling mom. When I face a problem in my life, I immediately begin researching. I hop on the Internet, looking for reputable websites that might have solutions, spending hours trolling through reams of electronic data. By the time I’m done, I’ve followed too many bunny trails than I care to admit, and I am often more confused than when I began my search. My head is filled with conflicting information, and I am no closer to a solution than when I began. Let’s not even mention the hours of wasted time which I could have spent with my children, instead of sending them off on their own because, “Mommy is busy right now.”

Sadly, too many times, the hours spent in study and research include very little time in prayer and God’s word. Proverbs 19:27 says, Cease listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from the words of knowledge. When my first reaction is to turn to sources other than the Lord, then I have ceased listening to instruction. I have strayed away from the instructions of the Source of knowledge and traded it for the clamoring voices of the multitude that often only seek to push their own agendas.

I’m not saying there is no place for gathering information or seeking the counsel of others. What I know is this – when I turn to the Lord first and seek instruction in His Word, I often find the answers I need. If I need to look to other sources, my time spent with Him gives me clarity of mind, making it easier to filter through the abundance of available information, so that I can quickly find the answers I need and get back to the more important job of serving my family.

Turning from a mom into a research associate is only one of many hazards we face as homeschooling moms. What are some things you struggle with? A few of mine include trying to control people in my life, needing to be “the best” at what I do, taking on too many outside responsibilities, and having unrealistic expectations. (Hmm…I am beginning to see a pattern here.) I hope to write about some of these in upcoming blog posts. Please let me know if there are particular topics you would like to see addressed.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Grasshoppers in My Life

While warm weather, garden vegetables, and vacations all herald the onset of summer, the surest sign summer is here to stay is the annual invasion of grasshoppers. These harbingers of vegetative destruction gnaw on grass, strip bushes of their leaves and bark, and decimate young trees. I can’t sit on the porch swing without one jumping at my head or crawling on my leg or neck. These insects are annoying and destructive, and I despise them.  

Another unwelcome summer visitor is the tendency to second-guess our decisions about teaching our children at home. In the less hectic days of summer, I have time to look through stacks of homeschooling catalogs that have accumulated over the past months. With all of the new, flashy programs, my low-tech techniques suddenly appear less effective. “Should I try this new science program?” “Look at all of the great materials that come with this history program. Surely the kids will learn more from this than our current practice of reading and discussing good books.” “This next year I think I will do more unit studies or lapbooks or notebooking or…"
These negative thoughts are like grasshoppers in my life. They often arrive a few at a time, but left unchecked, they have the power to cripple and destroy our family. This year, instead of spending the summer months planning a “better” way to homeschool, I am determined to take time to relax, enjoy my children, observe their interests and passions, and build relationships with them. We will work on projects, try out new recipes, craft together, visit friends and family, and spend time laughing and having fun.  I will put my Sharpies, schedules, and endless lists on the shelf, and if I feel compelled to re-evaluate my home education plans, I will remember that while academics have their place, life skills and relationships are what really count in life.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Coming Up For Air

That foster care assignment I wrote about in September -- it took us for the ride of our lives! It was exciting, fulfilling, challenging, frustrating, exhausting, demanding, faith-building and S-T-R-E-T-C-H-I-N-G. It took every bit of my time, and while I should be apologizing for not posting during the past 6 months, I absolutely did not have a spare minute.

We had 4 foster children -- a group of three siblings, ages 2, 3, and 5 and a 9-month old baby who joined our family 9 days after the three little guys arrived. You might ask, "What were they thinking?" That would be a reasonable question, and one which I asked myself several times. In January, the baby went to an adoptive home, and the other three children went home to their biological mom in March. 

We are now back our core household of eight. Rachel and Nathan are still at HSU, although Rachel graduates in May, and is currently looking for a job utilizing her degree in Math with a Biology minor. (Any job leads would be welcome!)  Nate is selling boots and all that other cowboy stuff at Cavenders in Abilene, while pursuing a degree in Criminal Justice. David and Miriam are 17 -- how did that happen? David has his license and a part-time job. Josiah turns 14 next week, and Leah will be 16 in June. I really only have two little guys left - Gideon, 10, and Essie, 9 - and they are growing up way too fast.

We are taking a break from foster care at least until June. We have Rachel's graduation, and then she and I will be taking a trip to Nebraska at the end of May. As always, life is full, and I never seem to accomplish all the things I hope to. The journey continues -- and hopefully it includes more blog posts along the way...